Date and Time: Thursday, April 7th, 2016 | 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Location: Gallery 110 – 110 3rd Ave. S, Seattle, WA 98104
Keiko Hara, Yuki Nakamura, Emi Nishiwaki, Katsuhiro Saiki, Naoya Takahara, Akio Takamori, Maki Tamura, Etsuko Tashima, Miyuki Yokomizo, Moe Yoshida, Carla Accardi, Etel Adnan, Cecilia Alvarez, Chiara Armellini, Alfredo Arreguin, Arturo Artorez, Renaud Auguste, Avishay Ayal, Pierr-Jean Baeyens, Fides Becker, Paul Berger, Malgorzata Bielecka, Tom Bills, Ton Boelhouwer, Mark Calderon, Sauro Cardinali, Daniel Carrillo, Nicola Carrino, Bruno Ceccobelli, Andriessen Cees, Ralf Cleermans, Marian Czapla, Jacobien de Rooij, Diane Didier, Tomasz Domanski, Perio Dorazio, Yaacov Dorchin, Dormeuil, Otto Egberts, Avraham Eilat, B.C. Ekper, Belu Simon Fainaru, Joel Fremiot, Yair Garbuz, Gilles Gerbaud, Aleksandra Gieraga, Alma R. Gomez, Jose Luis Rodriguez Guerra, Finn Have, Yaacov Hefetz, Bruno Hellenbosch, Rosa M. Hessling, Tine Hind, René Holm, John Ingram, Mary Judge, Angeli K., Sarah Kaliski, Leif Kath, Bodo Korsig, Hans Kotter, Malene Landgreen, Fulgencio Lazo, Sarah Lefevre, Boris Lehman, Arié Mandelbaum, Graziano Marini, Bartłomiej Michałowski, Malgorzata Moneta, Rinke Nijburg, Lars Norgaard, Alisa Olmert, Jim Osman, Grzegorz Pleszynski, Michael Post, Katja V. Puttkamer, Steen Rasmussen, Monika Rohrmus, David Row, Jack Sal, Paca Sanchez, Almendra Sandoval, Martina Schode, Barbara Schwartz, Anne Slacik, Ole Sporring, Jasper Sebastian Stürup, Sergej Sviatchenko, Henryk Sykora, Gerda ten Thije, Heiner Thiel, Gwenn Thomas, Paul Trajman, Franco Troiani, Matthew Tyson, Anne Van As, Jasper Van der Graaf, Céline Vankimmenade, Josyane Vanounou, Xavier Vantaggi, Mael Veis, Caludio Verna, Veronique Verstraete, Sharif Waked, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Stephen Westfall, Allan Wexler, Thomas Wildner, Teresa Zebrowska, Manar Zuabi
Past Exhibition
-New York Public Library’s Art Collection Galleries (New York City) on April 13, 2005
-Contemporary Art space of Museum of Palazzo Pietromarchi in Marsciano, Perugia, Italy September 4th, 2005
-The Pyramida Center for Contemporary Art, Haifa, Israel November 2005
-Centre of Culture, Keilce, Poland, March – April 2006.
-Kunsthallen Braenderigarden, Viborg, Denmark, September 2006.
-Pascal Karp Galerie, Brussels, Belgium. June 2007.
-Italian Institue of Culture, Koln, Germany, July 2007.
-Jacob Lawrence Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, December 2010
A Note on Suitcase Project by Daniele Di Lodovico
The project, Suitcase, is an ongoing art exhibition founded with the goal of bringing together artists from different countries around the world. The project aspires to get to know new artists and places and then recount this journey through the various languages of contemporary art.
The first manifestation of Suitcase was the New York Public Library’s Art Collection Galleries on April 13, 2005 and included only ten American artists and ten Italian artists. Only after this first step did I realize how experientially powerful this project had the potential to be. It was the perfect vehicle for enhancing my knowledge of contemporary art, bringing international exposure to talented artist and my own personal growth as a curator.
The reason I chose to take this project abroad was so that I could compare a multitude of experiences of the artists I had come to know with an ever-growing quantity of experiences of artists from other countries.
With no guidance and only a desire for exploration, I decided the best way to accomplish my goal was to work with small pieces of paper that were easily transportable in a suitcase for international travel. Therefore, I chose Fabriano paper, a special kind of paper from native Italy, with dimensions of 11,5 x 17 cm.
I have been pleasantly surprised in that every time I have contacted the artists and explained my intentions, all of the artists have felt challenged by the limited size of the paper and have been enthusiastic about the “growing” art exhibition.
There is no specific theme that I require of the artists and I send the sheets of paper asking for an original drawing or artwork, without further directions. I want only that the artists express themselves following their personal artistic aesthetic.
This project has been exhibited in a Public Art Library (New York – 2005), in museums (Italy 2005 and Denmark 2006), in a former school turned into an art gallery with studio artists (Israel 2005), in a cultural center (Poland 2006), in an art gallery (Belgium 2007) in the Italian Center of Culture (Germany 2008), the Jacob Lawrence Gallery (Seattle 2010). I really like the idea of connecting different places with different backgrounds throughout this project and, above all, art.
Daniele Di Lodovico