RED MAY “Call for Participation”



Red May 2017 opening, Alkovi gallery, Helsinki Finland



Call for participation

What is it that today we are connected to all parts of the world via internet (and might even know hundreds of other artists internationally) but we might not know any of the people who live with us in the same apartment complex? 

The themes of this year’s Red May exhibition is “Networks” and “reverse-image/reverse-propaganda”. The project is simultaneous with a radical socialist & anti-capitalist festival that TMNW is co-organizing with Red May Collective in Seattle under the same title. This year is the second time that the exhibition is taking place. The artists are invited to reflect on the idea of ‘Networks and reverse image’, the focus is to explore artistically the use of technology, media, and archives in the global network in relation to economic crises, such as privatization, alienation, surveillance, and inequality.

We are looking for artists (or Artist groups) to take part.

  • The works should be made or selected to be shown in an online exhibition. However, all the works will be screened in two exhibitions in Helsinki and Seattle using CRT tvs.
  • Artists are invited to organize an installation, showing all artworks including their own. The shape, location, and type of the installation is up to each artist/artist group, and is not limited to apartment or public-space. (Optional)

The works will be screened in the two exhibitions in Seattle and Helsinki during May 2018. The documentation of the art pieces will be presented during the festival in Seattle this year and also in the following year. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions:

Here are the links to last year’s festival:



Festival’s speakers:

Seattle Weekly
The Urbanist
City Arts Magazine


Red May Festival consists of:

  • Lectures and talks
  • Art exhibitions
  • Interventions in the everyday
  • Occupation within and outside institutions
  • film-screening and pop-up art exhibition

For this year, we are looking for:

  1. Artist from different backgrounds who are interested to send a proposal for the online exhibition, priority is to people of color, LGBTIQ, immigrant, nomad and disability activists.
  2. Organizations that are willing to join in hosting Red May Tv installation or events.  



Artist from different backgrounds who are interested to participate can send proposal or pieces for the online exhibition. Priority is to people of color, LGBTIQ, immigrant, nomad and disability activists. The works will be displayed on CRT tv and exhibition spaces in Seattle and Helsinki, as well as artists apartments in different parts of the world during the month of May. You can check the artworks from last year on Red May page



Red May is interested to collaborate with different organizations to host events such as talks and lectures, art installations and other activities during the month of May.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.


Red May 2017, 12th Ave Arts, Seattle, WA 


Red May 2017, Tv installation at Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA 


RED MAY exhibition, works by Esther Planas Balduz, Felix Gmelin, Talena Lachelle Queen, Clark Wiegman, RabRab, and Kathleen Skeels – INCA Seattle